The role of social awareness over the success of Crowdfunding platform

Pengarang : SI Wahjono, A Marina, SS Sezeli, BW Mahardhika

Tanggal terbit : 2019

Jurnal : Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews (HSSR)

Jilid : 7

Terbitan : 3

Halaman : 534-540Deskripsi

Purpose of Study: Crowdfunding as alternative funding for creative businesses and SMEs is expected to be implemented in the business world due to low access to funding from banks and other financial institutions to both business groups. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of regulation and legal aspect, technology readiness, social awareness, and entrepreneurial culture on the success of a crowdfunding platform.

Methodology: This research uses a quantitative approach with survey method spread the questionnaire through google form to creative businessman and SMEs in Malaysia. 350 sets of questionnaires were sent to respondents, 300 accepted and 269 were analyzed.

Results: The finding of this research is that the four variables influence the success of crowdfunding platform significantly, the most dominant influence is the social awareness variable.

Implications/Applications: The implication of this research finding is that more active engagement is needed in order for  individuals  within  a  country  to  be  actively  involved  in  online  social  networks  as  this  is  a  major  driver  of crowdfunding activity.

Keywords: Crowdfunding, Social Awareness, Online Social Network, Technology Readiness, Entrepreneurial Culture


Wahjono, Sentot Imam, et al. “The role of social awareness over the success of Crowdfunding platform.” Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews 7.3 (2019): 534-540.
Wahjono, S. I., Marina, A., Sezeli, S. S., & Mahardika, B. W. (2019). The role of social awareness over the success of Crowdfunding platform. Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews, 7(3), 534-540.

WAHJONO, Sentot Imam, et al. The role of social awareness over the success of Crowdfunding platform. Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews, 2019, 7.3: 534-540.